Day 709 Classmates

How lucky am I to have the same friends for almost 50 years...yikes. I met this crew when I was eleven years old, except for Cathy, who I've known my entire life. Jr. High school was a time where all five of our elementary schools merged into one building and we could select our friends from a greater pot. I thank the young Rachel Smith often for being such a good judge of character and picking me the best of the bunch. I put together our little gathering at the last minute, not even texting Collette until that morning I was thrilled when she quickly responded that she'd be there, making the drive of over an hour through rush hour traffic. The guys are accustomed to my bossy ways so when I told them to come over they obliged without hesitation. Cathy and I get together often, although never enough. The five of us sat chatting about classmates, the stresses of life, how lucky we are to still be here and still have each other. Sitting with this crew made me feel like a teenager, even with all my 59 year old wrinkles. Scott and I are the oldest of the crew, ok so I'm the oldest then Scott 8 days later, the rest have late summer or fall birthdays so will be turning 58 this year...babies! I reminded them all that as their elder I must be wiser as well. We reminisced about fun times, told what were once embarrassing stories and remembered classmates that have passed. My friend Libby is always on my mind when I get together with classmates, her absence is evident and the void unfillable. She would have loved a get together with classmates and if I close my eyes I can hear her laugh and see her smile, eternally entertaining. Dawn FaceTimed in for a quick hello and everyone got a kick out of seeing her from Florida, darn distance!  Since I missed our class reunion I may have to start hosting gatherings more often, catching up with old friends is always good for the soul. Our group suggested we all take a trip together....not sure I can plan another one just yet but it's a great idea for the future. Wouldn't it be fun to go somewhere for the weekend with a group of old friends? Maybe for our 50th reunion that could happen. For now, we're planning a fire pit gathering so I'll be getting my firewood stacked and ready! Next time I'll  shoot for a weekend, us old folks need to get our sleep on week nights, just like the old school nights! As much as things change, they also stay the same...thank goodness. 


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