Day 720 I can explain

More chicks,  I can explain..... I couldn't resist, a few more can't hurt, they are so cute....ok, it was an impulsive purchase, but that's my nature. I went to the farm store with every intention of buying chicken feed then heading over to TJ Maxx to shop for a bit. Instead, I walked into the farm store and beelined right to the tiny sounds of new chicks, chirping delightfully as if calling to me. I stood there admiring the tiny birds, some a few days old while a few were heartier at a couple weeks. The gal who works at the store, who knows me well after years of shopping there, came right over to taunt me saying, "you know you want them"....Yes, yes in fact I do want them!! The dozen minimum rule flew out the window as she whispered to me that I could have as many, or as few as I wanted for .50 cents a piece, instead of the usual $5.99. How could I say no??? Especially since these chicks are a bit older, can go right outside into the little cage within my coop and I can avoid the stinky mess of having them inside. I decided to get five, three Buff Orpingtons and two Speckled Sussex, before realizing there were only three Speckled Susssex left, clearly I couldn't leave one behind so my intended five quickly turned to six. Once my tiny new feathered friends were boxed up and ready to come home, I grabbed the chicken feed, adding new baby chick feed to my order. I skipped TJ Maxx so my girls weren't left in the car, another savings I'm sure. I snapped a picture of the tiny chirping girls and texted it to Tim, who quickly replied that he didn't understand what the photo meant....we all know he knew! I hustled home to secure my new brood into their pen, as the older girls checked them out with curiosity. It will be a couple months before they are with the flock, a transition I'm quite familiar with after years of integrating new girls.  The big question on everyone's mind is how many chickens now??? Chicken math is real, three turn into twelve and apparently a dozen quickly turns into twenty one. I imagine all the eggs I'll get in a few months, with a wonderful variety of size and colors. The chicks I bought in March are all laying now, delivering me brown and white eggs each and every day to mix in with my large brown and green layers. If you're thinking about getting chickens, think big, you'll want/need three or four times however many you originally think you need. I should probably start sending Tim to the farm store for chicken feed, at least until they stop selling chicks. 


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