Day 724 Case of the missing mug


The case of the missing mug has lead to an ongoing unsolved mystery for over three years. Going back ten years ago, I found this beautiful, orange, Kate Spade mug and purchased two of them, always following the rule: one is none. I fixed two little hooks right above my coffee and espresso machines to keep my special mugs off the shelf and away from the other mug riff raff. Beautiful mugs should be displayed with prominence they deserve. For years my morning routine went along smoothly, alternating between the two identical mugs each morning, always having a clean mug in rotation. About three years ago, my morning routine turned topsy turvy and all of a sudden, out of nowhere I was reduced to one mug! The second hook remained bare as I waited for it to return, confused as to where on earth it went??? Could someone have used it to make a coffee to go and forget to bring it back? Did someone break it and not want to fess up to the accident?? Did someone take it, not realizing my world would be thrown into a tailspin?  I searched to find equivalent replacements, buying 2 Kate Spade mugs with polka dots and two with stripes, hanging four hooks inside my cupboard for these potential replacements. The new mugs were beautiful but didn't hold the same charm to my morning brain and before long, one of my striped mugs went missing as well!! My lone orange mug hung solo, becoming the only mug I would use for years, clearly more work than any one mug should ever have to manage. Hang in there....I'm almost to my point..While thrifting I was casually walking past a shelf filled with mismatch mugs, barely giving them a look since I don't want anything to do with random mugs. All of a sudden, it was as if the angels sang to me, the heavens opened up and a ray of light was cast as if a spotlight on one lone, orange, Kate spade mug!! An exact match to the one I lost years ago!!!! I quickly grabbed it, afraid that someone else may have had heard the angels singing and immediately secured it inside a clothing item to keep it safe for its drive home as well as anyone in the store seeing my treasure. Once home, I hand washed my new mug, now wondering if someone had accidentally taken it from my house and  donated it to a thrift store, could this be my long lost mug??  My new (possibly old) mug shines brighter than the one I've been using daily. There seems to be no signs of wear on the new mug. Could someone have had it all these years and not used it??? Whatever the case,  all is right with my world as my two mugs hang together, standing by for my morning shot of espresso. I'll be keeping my eye on them, as well as any coffee drinking guests...I may have to put a decoy mug or two out when company arrives. I'm left wondering if my striped mug will turn up in a few years, or if the universe will send me a new one of those as well? For now, I'll sit back, sipping espresso out of my favorite mug, happy, content and thankful to the universe for the intervention. Case of the missing mug finally at a close, although the mystery unsolved. 


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