Day 730 Contraband


Oh, the things we accumulate over time! Walking through my house I can tell the story behind each item, how I found it, why it's important to me, sentimentality or just plain cool factor. Apparently Tim has a few cool things as well, but with no backstory they are just material items in my crazy brain. This vintage glass Hookah Pipe looks cool enough but with no story it just doesn't speak to me. Tim will have to tell me tales for each and every item we bring home, otherwise, I'll walk by each treasure and be forced to make up stories for everything. This Hookah Pipe looks like it must have been purchased in an exotic country, maybe used in an opium den by derelicts fleeing the US to indulge in drugs. The pipe was passed around the room until each scantily clad man fell into a drug induced sleep. In a burst of flurry, doors were kicked open and gunfire smoke filled the air as the place was raided by police. Each Hookah Pipe was confiscated then sold at the local market by the wife of a corrupt officer. The pipe was purchased by non other than my Timothy, who innocently bought the contraband, thinking it would look cool back in RI. The pipe travel back to the states, carefully wrapped in bubble wrap where it sits today, in my living room. My brain will continue to fabricate stories about the pipe until Tim tells me its backstory. Not sure reality can compare to the outrageous images my mind creates, the truth may be a letdown. As stories happens to be day 730 of my blog writing, the two year mark of penning my scattered thoughts, stories, dresses and often silly tales. I had no idea when I started writing that I would enjoy it so much or still be at it two years later! I'm often asked how many followers I have, such a millennial question, as if value is determined from external factors. I have no idea how many followers or readers I have, not within my control nor does it effect the level of enjoyment I get from writing. I write for myself, dress up for myself and fill my house will cool stuff that gives me joy. After all, we are in charge of creating our own happiness.  Hopefully there's a few folks out there that find a few minutes of escape while reading my daily trials and tribulations, but if not, I'm still entertained as I sit sipping my espresso out of my fabulous Kate Spade mug. Two years ago I couldn't imagine I'd be posting a photo of a Hookah Pipe, proof we never know where life will lead us. I look forward to seeing another year unfold, stories to be told and discoveries to be made as well as new treasures to be found. I look forward to unearthing new tales,  some true, some embellished others like the Hookah Pipe somewhat crazy. Historically, pipe smoking was thought to be a good aid for thought so who knows, I might give it a go. The phrase,  put that in your pipe and smoke it, dates back to the 12th century and was used as a battle cry by King Richard..imagine the stories behind that!!  Ooh, I might like this crazy pipe and all the mystery behind it.....the truth can't possibly compare! 


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