Day 731 Cleaning Days


The big clean out of 2024 is gaining speed as we close in on the finish line. It may look like a mess, but seeing a clear path on the floor is progress. All the cabinets are bare, bathrooms clean and linen closets empty as Tim and I go through each room, removing each item. I began working in the basement, now wishing I had thought to count how many times I walked up and down the stairs! Clearly, no need for a morning workout when lifting and getting record numbers of flights in. One of Tims healthy jointed brothers answered the SOS call and arrived, ready to help move large items. He was only planning to stay for an hour so I had a list for the two of them to keep them on task. I worked that healthy jointed brother like a dog, moving old appliances, dressers, recliners and anything else I could find. I helped the guys get an old rug into the dumpster, possibly the grossest thing I've ever handled. The large rug had been rolled up and put outside in a wheelbarrow, rained on over the last few weeks, sitting in gross water. It must have weighed hundreds of pounds and smelled so bad that touching it grossed us all out. The three of us tried to lift it several times before realizing we were outmatched by the stinky item.... or so they thought. I ran into the house and came out with a saw, not to be bested by the beast carpet. Tims brother and I held up a side of the beast as Tim cut through the nastiness until an entire strip came off and was quickly tossed into the dumpster. We were then able to lift the remainder in and immediately ran into the house to scrub our hands from the stench. Not sure if it was PTSD from the experience but we were convinced the smell of that  beast was still on our hands throughout the night. That job complete, the rest of the work will be a breeze in comparison! It began raining shortly after we filled the dumpster, Mother Nature coming in again with perfect timing. Clouds and rain in the forecast, perfect cleaning weather. After a full day of work, Tim and I cleaned up (still trying to remove the stench) and went to Mariner Grille for dinner, devouring our meals at top speed, hard work sure does increase appetites. We'll be back at it, more bins to empty, rooms to clean out, items to toss, making headway...slowly. 


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