Day 737 Zen


Pleased to finally see the fruits of my labor. Each year I plant a few tomato plants, with delusional optimism that they will produce an abundance of tomatoes. The reality is about a half dozen perfect little tomatoes, if I'm lucky. I'm not exactly sure what I do wrong, not enough sun? Not planting them early enough? One of these years I'll figure it out and dazzle myself with a bounty of produce...apparently not this year. There's nothing as tasty as fresh veggies, my hats off to those that have a green thumb. Although I'm no farmer, I've been working my tail off for the last couple of weeks, and feeling it. The household projects never end, between the inside housework and yard it never ends and there's never enough time to get it all done. Maybe that's one of the reasons I love my chickens, minimal work for maximum production. Fresh eggs every day, little prizes just for me. Although my house is messy, it sure is a nice place to be, filled with love and happiness. My home is a place to relax, a little sanctuary from the bustling world, impenetrable to stress. We all get upset here and there but it's important to select carefully who we let whisper in our ear when we are angry, do they help or are they the  source of our discontent? I am cautious to only fill my home with kind whispers, supportive chants and loving words. I may not be a gardener but I'm a pretty darn good housewife and creator of zen space. I'll be fixing a delicious dinner, with one tiny tomato on the side of each plate, proud as punch that I grew them myself and I'm sure Tim will tell me how incredible they are. I can already hear the tiny whisper in my ear telling me what a great job I did growing them. I may even get a couple more before the end of the season, enough for a salad? If not, no worries, I'm sure next year I'll grow an abundance of veggies, next year I'll get it right, I just know it!


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