Day 738 Retro and Kinda Cool
Retro clock radio, still working, still kinda cool. Maybe it's because I remember wanting one so badly, getting my first clock radio in the late 70's...finally, but holy cow does it bring back memories. This was our link to pop music as well as our alarm clock and what we thought to be so high tech at the time. They didn't come cheap, most clock radio's selling for almost $200 in back in the day, even now they can be resold for $40-$50. All things retro come back in style, radios have improved as have alarm clocks, so I'm not sure Tim and I will go back to using this model but you never know. For whatever reason, Tim has kept his sweet clock radio all these years, nostalgia or hipster, who am I to get rid of it? I'll be finding a spot in the house for it, maybe even tune in the radio from time to time and think back to when we were teens. Tim and I knew each other as teens and came fairly close to getting together way back then. He had a thing for me, even wrote to me when he left for basic training but I didn't respond...poor Tim! It's crazy how life works, we both went our separate ways, married and had kids and divorced, only to have the universe place us in the same spot 30 years later so we could connect. I'm not sure we would have been a good fit back in the day, things seem to unfold as they should but, we're both pretty lucky to have found each other again. I imagine Tim listening to this radio, waking up to the alarm, thinking of me back then.... never imagining we'd be married someday. Life sure does have a way of working out, even when you don't think it is. Some of the hardest days only make sense years later, challenges helping us move forward in the right direction. I'm eternally grateful the universe brought Tim back into my life, he's a keeper, just like the radio, retro, still working and still kinda cool.