Day 739 Wasps


Finding the beauty in every situation, isn't always easy. I was down at my riverbank, trimming and clearing the overgrowth when I saw this beautiful Cardinal Flower growing solo amongst all the weeds. The beautiful red flower looked someone out of place standing tall, the color contrast making it impossible to overlook. As I stood for a minute, admiring the beautiful flower, I felt intense pain in my ankle, as if I had been pierced by something. I looked down and there was a yellow jacket, stinging away...ouch! I swatted it off, thinking that was the end of the attack when pain hit my other ankle, several wasps attacking me at once. I tried to swat them all off, but more came at me on the attack. Clippers in hand, I ran to the house, swatting wasps off as I ran. Once safety inside, I could feel the pain in both ankles, exploding without reprieve. I grabbed a couple ice packs, hoping the pain would subside if frozen, put my feet up and tried to figure what to do next. I wondered if Yellow Jacket stings could be deadly or is that just bee stings? Not a great time to be unsure! I called my friend Donna, told her to check in on me and determined I'd have enough time to get myself to the hospital if needed...possibly not a wise decision but thankfully it all worked out. Other than pain and swelling of my ankles I didn't have an adverse reaction. I counted over a half dozen stings, as I checked to see if the stingers were still lodged in my body. I'm not sure how long the pain is suppose to last, still waiting for it to stop!! Those darn wasps are certainly protective of their space, now what? Do I battle them with wasp killer? Let them take over my riverbank and live in peace? Send Tim to eradicate the nest? For now, I'll admire the beautiful red Cardinal flower from high ground, leaving the overgrowth around it in peace and continue to ice my ankles. Holy cow, do those little insects pack a big punch! 


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