Day 740 Break Mojo


It was worth the trip over the bridges for a rare evening out with my daughter. Tim and I met Jess and her friend on the Officers Club deck, eager to hear one of our favorite bands, Those Guys. We sat under the cloudy skies, the cool ocean breeze forcing us into wind jackets and sweatshirts, but appreciating the clean summer air and relaxing vibe of the deck. Typically when Those Guys play the crowd goes wild, dancing and rushing the stage, not the case at the Officers Club. Everyone at the Navy Base sat politely at their tables, listening and enjoying the music but not making spectacles of themselves. A few folks got up to dance, but most just watched. I wasn't sure if it was the military vibe holding folks back or the fact that the band started so early, 5:30pm....most people prefer dancing in the dark don't they? I have been busy organizing a party at my beach club, hired a band, have a surprise or two for my crew and have asked the band not to start until 7pm. The party will begin at 6:00pm so I'd like everyone to have a chance to arrive, eat, chat and drink a bit then have the band start with more of a bang to a full party. The trick with bands is what to do with the crowd when they take a break, ugh. It never fails that half the group leaves during the break, the mojo broken, making going home a good idea. My band will be taking one break, playing two long sets so I'll be working to keep my crowd and have a few tricks up my sleeve to do so. No one at my beach club knows what band I've got coming, I think a little mystery is good for people so I've kept that to myself. People have had to decide to sign up for my party, band unknown and take a risk or not sign up at all, in my view, flushing out the party poopers and only having fun people attend. With the big beach club party ahead, Tim and I had to cut our Friday night short and head home early, leaving during the bands break (told ya). Its always so nice to be able to sit with my daughter, both of us usually so busy that a moment to relax together is greatly appreciated. Newport is two bridges and twenty minutes away from home, in RI standards, a big trip, but the view, great company and fantastic music made it worth the effort. 


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