Day 742 Double Yolker


Double Yolker from one of my new girls, much appreciated at breakfast. The odds of finding one are one in every 1000, lucky for sure. I needed a moment of good luck, a sign from the universe that the odds are with me. Seems like I've been walking though land mines these days, carefully trying not to step on an impending explosion. As I dodge and weave through the treacherous grounds, I know my luck can only hang on for so long. I miss one explosion and come right up on another one, ugh. Maybe there's a full moon coming, folks boiling up with the change of the moon or we can feel summer slipping away and everyone's going a bit mad with fall coming so quickly? Whatever it is, I find myself waking up each day, stepping carefully into the world, avoiding as much conflict as possible. Some people seem to welcome drama into their lives, as if they need turmoil, they create situations that can only lead to tension.  I'm not one of these people but have found myself trying to defuse several time bombs surrounding me. Each day there seems to be another big explosion on the horizon, trying to drag me into the burn zone. I'm hoping I can stay safe on the sideline...we'll see! Stress has a way of trying to grab hold of us, folks seem to want to pile their pressures on everyone around them and I'm just over here trying to empty a few more bins and mind my business. Sometimes we can dodge, sometimes we're dragged into the undertow and struggle to find our way out. When something seems like a big deal I usually ask myself if it will matter in a year, five years, ten years...usually it's temporary nonsense that isn't worth the time to worry about. I have yet to answer how long the possible explosions around me could effect me, time will tell. Let's hope my luck from my double yolker keeps me safe for a while.... as I walk through another known mine field.  


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