Day 745 Love & Happiness


Good thing I stayed home so I was able to accept deliveries as they came in throughout the day. Tim and I both took the day off for our anniversary, with no plans but to be with one another. Groceries arrived at 7:30am, I scurried off to see my mechanic about a fog light that's been out on my car, all before Tim woke up. Once awake he and I picked up the house all morning, putting things away, organizing the mountain of belongings brought home from our Green Hill house. Nothing makes us pick up faster than an impending visit from our cleaning lady. While in the midst of picking up, the most beautiful bouquet of flowers were delivered with a sweet note from my friend Dawn and her husband. We stopped all cleaning when my daughter brought my grandsons over to spend the afternoon with us. Thrilled for and excuse to stop cleaning, we packed up to take the boys to the beach. Once at the beach, we were instantly hit with strong winds and cool temps, as much as we tried, it was unbearable. We ate our lunches, gripping our food so it wasn't blown away and covered ourselves with towels to keep warm. We watched the waves but non of us were brave enough to swim in the cold water. Weather wise, it was the worst beach day of the summer, but even the worst day at the beach is better than no beach day. We bailed after a few hours, proud we had managed to endure the wind that long and came home to a warm and somewhat clean house. Doorbell rang again for another delivery of a dozen chocolate covered strawberries, once again, from Dawn. Tim, not wanting to be outdone by my BFF suggested we go out to dinner, anywhere I wanted. With the world as my oyster I opted for home sweet home. We made cold sandwiches and settled in for a quiet night together. We toasted with our water glasses, happy to be home and as in love as the moment we said our I do's...maybe more. I enjoy socializing, possibly more than the next, love going out and about and fancy dresses but having a partner in crime to navigate life with tops the list of my favorite things. Love and happiness...don't mind if I do. 


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