Day 746 Country Folk


This picture came up in my photo memories from a country party about ten years ago. Although neither Tim nor I are big country music fans, neither of us are likely to turn down a party and will go all out in whatever theme is requested. I'm not even sure where on earth we found cowboy hats, but piecing the rest of the garb together wasn't too hard. Tim is the only man I've ever known to try and outdo my outfits, always, and I love it. Fortunately, there was no dress code for a night of music on the beach at George's Tiki Bar, although there was quite a bit of country music. We went to see our friend Dan Graves play,  always fun and worth dragging ourselves out on a work night. The tiki bar is set up right on the beach, bar stools and tables right on the sand, a spectacular setting that was fully appreciated. As Dan entertained us, we sat, watching the ferry travel back and fourth to Block Island, flocks of seagulls searching for a late night snack and our beautiful Atlantic Ocean in all it's evening glory. I often wonder what folks from landlocked states would think if they could sit for five minutes in my seat, doubt they'd ever leave. Dan played songs by the Eagles, Jack Johnson and other familiar artists along with a variety of what must be country songs I'd never heard. As different as Tim and I are, the one thing we have in common is our lack of interest in country music....thank goodness! Friends joined us at the tiki bar, where we sat, warm and toasty on a cool summer night, under heaters that made us feel a bit like a rotisserie chickens, but made the cool wind bearable. My friend Tori's parents joined us since Dan is Tori's Fiancé, giving us all a chance to chat about the upcoming wedding. Thankfully, their wedding isn't until next year, Tim and I already have conflicting wedding dates coming up and will have to divide our time to cover them both. I'm not sure why we haven't been to the tiki bar more this year, maybe it's the thought of it being swarmed with tourists, but once they go home, we'll be going back. September is the greatest month in South County, tourists have left and URI students haven't found all the great spots.....yet. I'll have to organize another night at the tiki bar with friends, take over a section of the sand for us locals. I might even brush up on a few country songs so I'm familiar with Dans playlist....just kidding. Other than dress up fun, I've got no country vibe. However, Tim and I are pretty good looking country folk. 


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