Day 751 Bingo
Bingo night at the beach club, don't mind if I do. Actually, I was on the fence about going but decided late afternoon to join the crew. Our usual table of eight shrunk to six with two of the guys deciding not to join us. The rest of us snacked endlessly on an array of treats at our table. I brought snickerdoodle cookies, which were so good, after we each ate one I gave the rest away to a kids table to save us from devouring them all. There was no need for dinner after eating cheese, crackers, grapes, nuts, popcorn and cookies, filling up on snacks until we were all stuffed. I wore my pretty pink new dress with fabulous gold Lily Pulitzer Espadrilles, a bit fancy for the club but I didn't feel like changing clothes late in the day and was comfy and happy in my favorite color. I almost bought this dress in Navy Blue, would have been a bit more practical, but navy can't compete with a vibrant pink option. Donna has her own cool sense of style, tends to always wear neutral colors, beachy casual clothes and always looks fabulous. We played ten games of bingo, each game requiring a new design on the card to win. Our table had one winner, Carol. otherwise we all just played and played to no avail. Two nights in a row we were all together but engaged in limited social interactions, the movie and bingo both required our full attention. I'm up for a night of chatter, conversation with no concentration demands on us. Bingo at least had breaks in-between games, giving us a chance to chat here and there and the guy that called out the numbers tried to entertain us with his jokes and number rhymes. I enjoyed watching him backpedal his way out of a very off color joke, he must have realized kids were present until after he said it! He spent the rest of the night trying to normalize what he had said. Even with the occasional tasteless joke, it was fun to play bingo games with friends. It's not easy to go inside on such a beautiful night, especially when it's warm and the sky begins to show off its most brilliant colors...but with bingo waiting, inside I went. I refuse to let summer slip by without squeezing every minute I can out of this fabulous season, bingo games and all.
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