Day 752 Ocean Smiles


I came across another rare photo of me and my sister, back in the day. Guessing this was taken over in Jamestown, where my dad kept his sailboat. My dad had a white Buick convertible with light blue vinyl seats and would always put the top down as we drove across the bridge for a day of sailing. He would get all four of us kids ice cream before heading home and we'd try to eat it was the wind blew every drip away from us. As we neared the top of the bridge, I would stand up tall, holding onto the back of the front seat, gaining the best view of the ocean and the blue skies in the whole world. My dad had his travel drink, a mixed vodka cocktail and there wasn't a seatbelt in sight, but we drove along, happy as a bunch of clams. The four of us kids must have made a mess of the seats with our ice cream, but never heard a word about it. My dad loved sailing, not sure how enjoyable it would have been with four young kids and a wife who wasn't a fan of the water? I loved being out on the ocean, feeling the ocean mist hit us was we sat on the bow of the boat, soaking in the summer sunshine and at times more mist than anticipated. It wasn't until I was a grown up, that I began to experience seasickness, ugh. Not sure why our bodies turn on us, but after being pregnant, I became unable to be on rough water without being sick. Of course, my mind still has fond memories of sailing so I think I'll be fine....every time! Same happened with rollercoasters, its tough to explain to a youngster that someday they too might not be able to enjoy the thrill rides- they'll find out! I'll have to dig through my old bin of photos and see what other relics I can find. Although we didn't take a million pictures, each one holds a host of memories and tells a good story. No nonsense pictures taken with film at a premium, I'm glad one of my parents snapped this photo of me and Jennifer, just sitting on the rocks doing nothing extraordinary. My sister and I don't look much alike but we both were pretty darn cute with our bad haircuts,  hand-me down clothes and big smiles. I guess the ocean has always made me smile! 


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