Day 762 Three all the way
I couldn't resist buying this spinning shoe display rack when I saw it online and I'm happy I did. It's a bit big, but holds 28 pairs of shoes and is fabulous. I've been working in my dressing room, organizing, sorting through clothes to either hang, donate or consider putting away for the summer. I have shelves of shoes and handbags, so only my fun shoes will make it to the new display...never ending decisions. So far I've made up four big bags to donate, only about 50 more to go! Fortunately, dinner plans forced me to stop and enjoy a bit of the weekend. It was another one of our fabulous dinner gatherings at the beach club and for the most part, we were the only ones there. We sat outside on the deck, enjoying another incredible meal and the ocean air. The weather cooperated through dinner but rain forced us inside for dessert. Once inside we regrouped around a round table and conversation continued as if we hadn't missed a beat. Someone asked what everyone's first job was and one by one each of us explained our first official job (babysitting didn't count). I listened to interesting first gigs, quality control in a pencil factory, hanging tobacco, retail in a department store, lighting store, each one more interesting than the next. I didn't think mine was impressive, my first official job was at a NY System deli, slinging hot weiners. My Connecticut friends had never heard of such a thing! I had to explain the difference between hot dogs and a hot Weiners and the method of lining up the steamed buns on my arm to make a dozen weiners at a time. Somehow, this fascinated my friends, who couldn't imagine me (or anyone else) serving food straight off their arm, but it's a real thing here in RI. Looks like our next dinner menu is set, with me providing the entertainment, my friends can't visualize my skills! I haven't slung hot weiners in over forty years, but I'd guess muscle memory will guide me and I have no doubt my friends will get a kick out of ordering me to serve them three all the way. and watching me line them up on my arm...First I'll have to teach them how to order!! We had such fun reminiscing about our teenage jobs, fascinating kids one state over had such different experiences. We all took such pride in our first paychecks, how hard we all worked and how vividly we remember, even though it was a million years ago. Somehow each first job somewhat matched our personalities, it would be interesting to list first jobs on paper and see if someone could match us up correctly...I bet they could. I should get my department store friend to come over and fold some clothes, I bet she could help organize a closet, bringing those teenage skills back in a flash. I am better suited for a fast paced, noisy, social setting, not for solitary closet cleaning....yes, I'd rather be slinging weiners!
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