Day 763 Indulgence


Two of my favorite things; cool cars and white gloves. This photo memory came up from a fundraiser at the Dunes Club eight years ago. It was 1950's themed and had really cool old cars on the lawn in front of the ocean. I couldn't resist jumping in for moment of make-believe. Oh, how I wish satin gloves had never gone out of style, they add fancy to any outfit. Cell phones and  gloves can be tricky but I found a way around that. There's a liquid you put on the glove on the tip of your finger and they turn your gloves into touchscreen friendly fabric...isn't technology amazing? I also figured I'd post this photo since I have friends who think I've never worn a black dress, photo evidence I have. I don't often go for the typical black dress, with so many beautiful colors in the world I'm not sure why anyone would. For this event I wanted only my spectacular strand of pearls and pretty satin gloves to stand out, making the dress and shoes nothing but a backdrop. I still have this dress of course, as I cleaned my dressing room again I came to the realization that I must have every item of clothing I've worn from high school onward. There's no amount of organizing that can fit all of my clothes into my dressing room, it's ten pounds of potatoes trying to squeeze into a five pound bag. Although I have miles to go, I was able to fill six more garbage bags of clothing for donation, progress is slow but it's coming. Every now and then I'd take a break and work on another small project to see completion somewhere, I replaced any lightbulbs that were out, changed smoke alarm batteries, hung a few pictures did laundry and dishes...but after each chore would go back to chip away at my daunting project. I think Tim missed my company, he'd come upstairs every few hours and tell me I should quit...but I kept at it. My new rotating shoe rack is fabulous but only holds 28 pairs of shoes, clearly not enough. I need to trim down my shoes as well, ugh! Between summer shoes, winter shoes, dress shoes, boots, sneakers and everyday flats, it can get out of control easily. When Imelda Marcos was hung out to dry for having 3000 pairs of shoes, I'm sure there was more than one woman with a tinge of guilt as she looked inside their own closet. We're a society of indulgence, with clothes, shoes, food, entertainment and whatever else we can over-do...color me guilty. My over indulgence usually doesn't trouble me much, but when it comes time for the seasonal clothing swap I pay the price. As I cleaned I found my pretty white gloves and placed them in my Lilly Closet for safe keeping. Not sure when I'll be dressing up in white gloves again but just in case it's soon, I want quick access. I'm chipping away at my project but it feels like by the time my seasonal clothing swap is complete it will be time to bring spring clothing back out. Another closet clean and organized, baby steps may be small but each step is at least in the right direction. With all my housework it's no wonder I'm dreaming about cool cars, white gloves and fun nights out. The minimalist may be onto something for a clean closet but how the heck do they dress up?? Fall seems to be my time to clean, don't want to be held inside all winter with a mess, no wonder I love summer! 


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