Day 764 Algorithms


Ever have an item pop up on your social media feed so often that you can't resist clicking on it? At first I noticed this bronze bird bath and thought, kinda cool. Later that day I noticed it again, clicked on it and almost fell off my chair, $5,450, seriously?! Before you think it was on some highfalutin website, it can be purchased through Walmart!! I'm not sure what crazy algorithm has me even remotely dropping that kind of change on an ornamental lawn piece but, wow did they miss their mark. This darn birdbath now comes up on my newsfeed every day, following me as I try to happily scroll through nonsense. After seeing it daily for two weeks, I had to take a screenshot on the off chance it disappears from my feed. I also noticed after the price it states, "price if purchased online" Making me wonder how much it cost if purchased in store? Does Walmart have a secret aisle somewhere hiding $5,000 decorative lawn items? I'm confused by everything about this birdbath! I admit I ran a google search to study this product further and it appears to be selling on Wayfair for $7,000. Maybe the $5,450 from Walmart is a deal? By the time I saw a similar item on Ebay for only $600 it was looking like a bargain, but I still didn't pull the trigger. The wild birds in my backyard will have to make do with the ceramic birdbath someone gave me, no bronze statue coming our way. I'm wondering how long the advertising bots will continue to push me towards this item before moving on and showing me a great pair of shoes? At least I have a new thrift item to search for, trust me, if i find a bronze statue at a thrift store,  I'm buying it! 


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