Day 769 Love, Happiness & Canadians


It was a perfect September day for my niece's wedding. Tim and I had to divide and conquer, each attending a niece's wedding, one in Maine, on in RI. With Tim's brother's daughter getting married and my sister's daughter, that seemed to be the only reasonable solution. My niece, Sophie and her betrothed couldn't have picked a nicer wedding venue, the 1812 farm in Bristol Maine was simply stunning. The ceremony was held outside on the lawn, surrounded by spectacular flower gardens, a small pond and endless sunshine. Everyone was eager to witness this young couple say I do and celebrate their love with them. Car loads of Canadians were in attendance and one thing is for certain, Canadians like to PAR-TAY! Once inside the beautifully renovated barn, filled with white lights and rustic decor, my kids and I found our table and within no time had delicious food served family style. Several tables filled with Canadians made up a rowdie section, waving their napkins, tapping on glasses to demand the bride and groom kiss and before long there were several standing on chairs to wave their napkins higher...clearly, these were my people and before long I was within their inner circle, jumping and shouting with the best of them. When the dance floor opened up, it was full until we all shut the place down, many of the Canadians changing into sneakers to not let heels slow them down. Reports coming in from the RI wedding had me thankful I was in Maine, people getting kicked out of the wedding....what is that!? I'll have to get the full report once I'm home, but holy cow, at least here in Maine guests were encouraged to stay and enjoy the night and no one getting the boot... imagine what they would have done with the Canadians? I do wish Tim and I could have been together, watching young couples declare their love for one another reminds us of our own wedding day and the beautiful vows we made. My sister, who generally isn't one for fancy dress up, looked stunning in a royal blue silk dress with a classic neckline showing off the sparkle of delicate jewelry, who knows, she might dress up more often after feeling so fabulous. I did get a photo of me with my siblings and the rare group shots of me with all my kids, but the day belonged to my niece so any other photos will have to wait. Take aways from the wedding, to celebrate each day and live life to the fullest, surrounded by the people you love, don't kick invited guests out, bring sneakers if you think your shoes will bother you, family style dining is a great way to dine...and above all, ALWAYS invite car loads of Canadians!!! Cheers to the newlyweds in both states and well wishes for love and happiness always. 


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