Day 778 Mobster Vibes


Tough to take a photo of my girls when they are so curious they try to peck my phone each time I get close. If I wasn't so afraid of getting my fingers pecked I'd have gotten a close up! The newest chicks are in the mix with the big girls now, holding their own as the pecking order is established. The social dynamics within the coop isn't all that different from ours on the outside. It seems to be within animal nature to gang up and pick on others, packs give the weak the illusion of strength. Once a chicken is alone, face to face, it's usually not quite as bold with her attacks. True for chickens and just about all other animals, including humans. I have always despised seeing people picked on, for any reason, hurts my soul. When I was in elementary school there was a little girl who clearly came from a troubled home, would arrive late, disheveled, usually crying, a clear target for childhood teasing. Each day I would meet the girl in the hallway as she arrived, sit with her until she was ready to come inside and make it clear to the classroom that she had my protection. I was like a little mobster giving my warnings, if anyone messed with her they'd have to answer to me. Not sure what power I thought I had, but apparently, the rest of the class believed in my powers as well and never dared to tease her, or anyone else I declared under my protection. Oh, how I wish I could extend my powers these days, as I see bullies pull together, as if drawn together magnetically, united in attacking others. Each one too weak to stand alone in their aggression, but together feeling the illusion of power. It's all the same, within the coop, grade school and continues throughout life and it's always ugly. Adults preach kindness, but are the first to forget to practice it. They talk of kids bullying, unaware they are showing how to do it by example. I think back to grade school and that sad little girl, happy I was there for her, making her days a tiny bit easier. The world isn't afraid of my powers like they were back in school, otherwise everyone would be a bit nicer! When my chickens start their bullying I often spray them with a hose to break it up, wonder how that would work with humans? One thing is always certain, you'll find my arm wrapped around the one person (or chicken) that seems to be taking the brunt of the brutality, standing with them as they face the storm. I've never been afraid of a storm and am always happy to lend a touch of strength to a friend. We all need a friend during a storm, someone to remind us that the storm will pass and the sunshine will come out again. Not sure it helps to know it will pass, once inside the storm it's pretty rough. The rest of us can stay outside the storm, or step inside to weather it along side someone who's unable to escape, most stand outside where it's "comfortable". My chickens better be prepared to get sprayed and bullies should know, I'll always step inside a storm to stand with a friend. I'd rather get wet from a storm than stay dry and watch someone struggle. I'm going to start working on bringing back my mobster vibe, oh, the powers young Rachel Smith had...she sure was something! 


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