Day 781 Home sweet home away from home


Travel days are often early mornings, rushed with getting things set on the home front while still getting to the airport on time. I try to avoid the crazy rush by waking up at ungodly hours to maintain my morning my wake up was 3:45, like a freak. I fed Peps, wrote my blog entry, showered and before long, Tim stumbled downstairs like a normal human would at 5am to get ready to leave the house by 5:30. The airport was busy and once at my gate it was clear my plane would be almost completely full. I refuse to pay extra for a good seat, Jet blue dangles the better seats for an up-charge and I'm sure most people splurge for it. My bad seat also put me with the last group to board. Still, I didn't care, I continued to look on the bright side, after all,  I had more time to stretch my legs. Once in my spot, middle seat at the back of the plane, I quickly realized the prized aisle seat next to me was vacant and since I was just about the last human onto the plane, I didn't foresee anyone jumping in it. Oh boy, did I feel as if I had won the plane seat lottery, shifting over into the aisle seat and leaving a vacant seat between me and the man sitting near the window. The captain announced we'd have a bumpy ride into Florida, due to the hurricane and all and he wasn't kidding, but even that didn't bother me while sitting in my fancy aisle seat, on my way to see my friend.  I arrived safely to my home sweet, home away from home, happy to see Dawn and get a chance to catch up in person. I found my bedroom all made up, ready and waiting for me, clothes hanging in my closet and in the dresser just as I had left them...almost, Dawn has a way of re-washing, folding and organizing my things. We sat outside in the screened in area, watching the palm trees wave in the wind and the occasional bursts of rain fill the swimming pool to the point of overflowing. The storm was hitting on the other side of Florida, so we had little troubles from it, just a bit of wind and rain. The weather was clear as we drove to dinner where we indulged on a delicious Italian meal, eating way too much but loving each bite.  When I finally called it a night, my beautiful bed calling to me, I removed pillow after decorative pillow before finding a place to climb in and sleep. I laid my head down, feeling blessed on so many levels, happily married, amazing kids, lifelong friendships and a lucky extra seat on an almost full luck seems to keep coming! My beautiful friend having a bedroom for me, welcoming me back always ... even with all the extra decorative pillows, color me lucky.


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