Day 782 Dining out


I spent the day wondering why on earth everyone doesn't live in Florida?? Endless sunshine, hot days, tropical flowers and amazing restaurants ...then I remind myself, if I lived here, I wouldn't be spending my days lounging about while landscapers and house keepers worked, me sitting by the pool all day only throwing clothes on to dine out at fancy establishments each night. The tough days of Florida are my kind of least at Dawns house. I also remind myself if I lived here, I wouldn't be her neighbor...different level of living to say the least. Oh well, to have a day when all that was on my list of to do's was to sit by the pool and complain about the heat, that's my kind of day. Dawn and I jumped in the pool to cool down, lounged about, played silly games on our phones and watched her animals bask in the sun. She has six tiny dogs, two cats and three birds to keep us entertained. Dinner reservations were the only reason for us to put on real clothes but eating out is always a big deal here in Florida. Dawn and Richie are regulars when it comes to dining out and oh boy does the restaurant staff jump when they walk in. Within minutes of sitting down at our table we were surrounded by a half dozen wait staff including the maitre d, manager, waiters and waitresses, all eager to please. We were brought breads, meats and cheeses with olives and drinking various wines worth a weeks paycheck for me! Richie always orders several appetizers, wanting me to taste and try everything, so of course, I indulge. By the time the main course arrives I'm stuffed but keep going... the table side presentation of a giant tomahawk steak would make anyone's mouth water and quickly put me back in the game. Of course anyone would be full after all that...but don't insult the kitchen by not trying the desserts they send out and of course....more wine! Once we finally cried uncle and could eat no more, we moved to the bar for an after dinner drink, again surrounded by staff. I'm not sure what time we eventually made it home, Dawn and I had promised each other to night swim together but thankfully, we had our wits about us enough to go straight to bed. I'll need to rest up for another day by the pool and another dining experience, calling it dinner doesn't do it justice. Maybe it's a good thing I don't live here, my waistband, wallet and liver couldn't handle it...but it sure is nice for a visit. 


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