Day 784 Leftovers


Waking up to another sunny, hot, Florida day, with nothing to worry about but lounging by the pool…and the aftermath of the previous day in the sun. When my eyes opened I could feel the swelling and was horrified to see my eyes red and puffy, almost as if I had been punched by the sunshine. I had put sunscreen on my face but taken great care not to get any near my eyes, in an attempt to save myself the sting of it washing into my eyes while swimming. Well, I guess I did a good job keeping the sunscreen away from my eyes, ouch! My day in the sun was now to be a day, trying to keep my face out of the sunshine while still enjoying my time pool side with Dawn. She gave me some fancy cooling gel and cold roller balls to smooth my swollen lids, thankfully they looked ok by the time we went out for dinner. Yes, another dinner! I never thought I’d say it, but I could really go for a good old PB&J sandwich with a glass of water and call it done for the night. Since I’m heading home soon, I better be careful what I wish for! We drove into Jupiter for dinner at, Buonasera, another Italian restaurant. The food was absolutely incredible and to our surprise much of the wait staff from the other night showed up to enjoy a night off and dinner out. It was nice to see the hardworking staff enjoy a night off, as well as sitting down for their own fancy dinners. I managed to endure another six course meal, nibbling on just about everything that came to our table, trying my best to save room for my main course, a large veal chop was heading my way. We drank bottles of wine, indulged in home made sour dough breads, truffle ravioli, zucchini blossoms, bruschetta and caprese salad before ever getting a glimpse of our main courses. By the time they put the fabulous veal chop down in front of me I was already stuffed but forged on. Dinner was followed by flourless pistachio cake, biscotti and shots of chocolate liquors. We then waddled over to the bar for an after dinner drink, leftovers in hand, I had finally cried uncle and boxed my veal up for lunch. I neglected to mention, my breakfast of scrambled eggs with the leftover tomahawk steak, yum! My body beginning to feel a bit like an Oompa Loompa, I quickly went online to order an under the desk treadmill to have a work. Figure I better do what I can to offset my over indulgences, that and put all this calorie intake in check. Oh, well, that will be a worry for another day, my only plans for now are to lounge in the sunshine one more day with my friend and of course, finish up my leftovers! 


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