Day 785 Smoking sections


I often say if reincarnation is a real thing, I'd like to come back as one of Dawns animals. Her birds eat fresh fruits, berries and nuts each morning, pasta for dinner. The birds cages are opened to be cleaned each morning and the birds explore the living room and kitchen, going back to their cages to play with toys and nibble on snacks. I laughed as I watched the cats and dogs lounge on their beds in the screened in porch, as if they had been working out and needed a rest. Most of the dogs are smaller than the cats, blending together on their daybeds. Non of her pets go outside and I can't say I blame her. The dogs are so little that they get enough of a workout around the house and both the dogs and cats would be in trouble if an alligator ever spotted them!! Alligators, another reason to love New England! We may not have the warm temps and sunshine of Florida, but we can dip our toes into rivers, ponds and streams without fear of being eaten. Dawns house sits along a canal and as I basked in the sunshine I questioned my trust in the iron fence, the only barrier between me and potential predators. I didn't see an alligator during this trip, but I know they are there, waiting, watching and ready to claim their prey at any moment. I suppose there has to be a downside to the sunshine state, everything does, keeping a delicate balance of pros and cons. I lounged in the sun, keeping one eye open, on the watch for alligators and listening to the noise of landscapers at work. By 1pm I forced myself inside, to shower, pack up and get myself together for my trip home. Dawn hates goodbyes, I laughed and told her we'd be face timing again on the daily so not to worry. During my flight home I sat listening as the safety measures and rules were explained, no smoking always at the top. I laughed as I reminisced to the lady next to me about when smoking was allowed on planes, only to see her look of confusion, how old am I??? I explained to her that back in the day, seriously up until the year 2000 (so I'm not THAT old), smoking was allowed on planes. The rear of the plane was the "smoking section" while the front was "smoke free". Yes, there was only an invisible barrier between the two sections, same as in restaurants. The woman next to me didn't look so much younger to have never experienced this, either that or I don't realize how old I am?! I sat, thinking how funny it is that things that were every day practices are completely foreign ideas to the next generation. I don't suppose Dawns dogs and cats worry about remembering much, from day to day they just lounge around, waiting for their next meal as they sit in the sunshine....doesn't sound too bad to me! 


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