Day 794 Concrete Confinement

Another day in Atlanta, within my giant hotel complex of concrete. My room looks down on the Mercedes stadium, apparently where football teams play so it’s fairly well known to most. The giant stadium doesn’t look so big from my room on the 17th floor, or the restaurant from the 5th. Although the large fields in front of the stadium have giant loudspeakers day and night blasting music during practices or whatever trainings are going on. Fortunately, the music doesn’t both me and I enjoy seeing a bit of green from my concrete hotel. My hotel and conference center is gigantic, it doesn’t lend itself to outdoor space,  although, the weather is fantastic. I tried to sneak outside every chance I had to soak in a little sunshine and breathe the fresh air. My morning sessions didn’t begin until 10:30 and there was no way I was going to be trapped inside until then, so I found a little outdoor space and sat enjoying the air, sunshine and quiet. During lunch we were corralled into a large dining area where we were given cold sandwiches and guided to sit down among thousands of others. I skipped outside again and found a concrete solarium with a water fountain, parked myself on the ground and enjoyed my lunch with a handful of others. I had plans to meet up with a couple friends for dinner and selected a restaurant that I knew had outdoor dining. We sat outside enjoying our dinner, amazed at how warm and how light it remained even after 7pm. The conference has been great, learning a lot and making wonderful new friends, but holy cow, I need more outside time…no wonder I was never a good student! City living isn’t for me, but I’d take the later sunset and warm temps any day, as long as I could enjoy them. I’m not a gal that enjoys being confined by concrete… glad to at least have a view of green grass and any fresh air I could sneak a breathe of. One more day of my concrete confinement, need to get back to my beautiful RI.


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