Day 797 Marble

 Fresh air, sunshine, fall leaves over my beautiful river and an early morning walk with friends, makes me happy to be home! Melissa and Erica came over early to walk the bike path with me, our usual route. Erica is Melissa's cousin and Libby's younger sister and has always been like a little sister to me, she's awesome. I wish I could see her more often but she lives a few states away and of course we'll all so busy with life and daily to-do's. I love seeing Erica all grown up but confess, when I look at her I still (and most likely always will) see her as that little brain just can't allow her to be in her fifties! We chatted away as we walked, as if we had never skipped a day of seeing one another. A slight detour on our stroll took us to the bagel shop, a few fresh bagels after a walk are always a nice treat. Back at my house we sat drinking coffee and eating our bagels and taking in our good fortune to still be together as friends all these years. I wish we could have sat together all day but the to-do's crept in and we were all off in different directions. First on my list, laundry, overall house clean, mow my lawn and pick up my yard, enough to keep me busy all day and lord knows it did. Tim jumped in but loses his steam quickly when it comes to cleaning. He was onto a few projects (self created) mostly prepping for his new big tv. He had ordered a very large tv during an online sale but hadn't measured the area and soon realized it might be a tad too big. I had our old tv mounted on a brick wall in the family room and to Tims surprise, the mount was not made to be removed without an act of God. I suggested instead of mounting it that he use the stand it comes on and utilize the shelf, but the shelf was too narrow. Before he knew it I had another bright idea, put a wider shelf on top of the existing shelf...and I had the perfect thing to make it happen. About 30 years ago (yes, seriously 30 maybe longer) I found a beautiful white marble shelf and snatched it up, knowing someday it would come in handy. It weighs a ton and hasn't been easy to store all these years but I stayed on course, knowing someday it would work out. Well, here we were....that day finally came! Tim and I (it took us both to move) put the spectacular marble shelf in place and the only thing left was to secure it. Tim had to slowly...very slowly, drill through the two inch thick marble to create a hole so he could run a screw threw it and secure it onto the wooden shelf below. It took him working off and on for four hours to complete the first hole and once done he began to tell me that might be enough..... not a chance. He's got another day ahead of him drilling one more hole on the other end of the shelf to be ready for his giant new tv. Of course, there was nothing wrong with the 47" tv we had on the wall, other than being older. If I were to make a list of 100 things I'd like for the house a new tv wouldn't have made the list, but apparently it topped Tims. The new tv will be arriving soon, hopefully right after the second hole is drilled and shelf secure and ready. I also hope to see sweet Erica one more time before she heads home. Somehow all my guests come visit just before I clean, but good friends are always at my door to see me anyway not my house. Although, Erica sat down on my little kitchen couch and told me it has always been one of her favorite places in the world...I'll take that! 


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