Day 801 Little Sis


Funny how amazing photos pop up right when you need them. I was just thinking how nice it was to spend time with Erica during her weekend visit, when this picture jumped right out at me. Clearly from her wedding and holy cow was she a beautiful bride, but lets take a moment to check out my nails! I don't recall ever having spectacular fingernails but the proof is right here. We both rocked the 80's vibe so well and I remember her Jersey wedding as if it were yesterday. Not only has Erica always been the baby sister I never had but I'd say she and I look enough alike to make you believe that's true. Of course Melissa is also my surrogate little sis, but we don't look anything alike. I may not have been blessed with a younger sister, but somehow the universe gave me these two gals to make things right. Looking at this photo, I'm inspired to take better care of my nails, let my natural curls show (yes, I have a bit of curl) trim down a bit (or a lot) and go back to that smooth clear skin?...I love my 30 year old self! Ok, unrealistic for sure...but can I at least have the nails back? Funny, but when I see Erica today, I still see her exactly as she was in this photo, ageless, beautiful with a great big smile. Maybe it's a good thing we didn't take lots of pictures back in the day, President Theodore Roosevelt said it best, "Comparison is the thief of joy", so true. I suppose I don't have much to complain about, still in good shape, happy, healthy and wise but can't help but look back on my younger self and wonder why I didn't appreciate those darn nails more at the time? Instead of all the potential regrets I think I'll just take today to be aware and thankful for everything I'm blessed with and let that be least for today. 


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