Day 802 Walking Pad


I've been searching for ages for the perfect walking pad for under my desk. I finally stopped looking for perfection and pulled the trigger on a great deal from Amazon, only $99. My friend Dawn laughed at how cheap it would be, but happy to report, she was wrong. This little pad is the perfect size, compact, light weight and fits so well under my desk for walking then flips up onto its side when I need to sit down. I've said a million times that sitting will become the new smoking and I believe that's true. Humans weren't designed to sit all day long and it shows in our societies poor level of health. Having taught dance my entire life, being sedentary was never a worry but now...yikes. My current job has me sitting all day long in front of a computer, the unhealthiest place to be! Now, with my fancy new walking pad, paired with my stand up desk, I can walk throughout the day, keeping my circulation moving and joints from freezing up. I have a little note on the front of my computer that reads, you don't get the ass you want by sitting on it, great inspiration to get off it. With winter coming, it gets harder to walk outside and I don't always have time in the morning for a run, this might just become the perfect solution. This week whenever I felt cold, instead of turning on my little heater, I walked on my sweet new walking pad and within minutes found myself opening a window to feel the cold fresh air. I believe the reviews for the walking pad were mixed, some folks didn't love that they couldn't run since the speed doesn't go up very high. For me, it is all I need, don't foresee me wanting to break into a full run at work, a fast paced walk is enough. Sitting all day, letting our bodies atrophy isn't worth whatever paycheck we might be getting and they can't make me.  After all, a body in motion stays in motion and I have no intention of sitting still or stopping anytime soon. Truth be told, no, I can't type while I walk, but there's enough work otherwise to do while walking. I might create a personal challenge, to see how many miles I can walk during my workday....curious minds want to know. I'm glad I didn't let practicality interfere with my purchase, already having a nice treadmill at home, the walking pad may have seemed unnecessary, but it was just what the Dr. ordered! Now I can walk inside, outside, home, work and never allow inactivity to catch up with me. 


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