Day 829 Cool Swag
After traumatizing you yesterday with stories from my neighborhood, I'll keep it light today. I've been playing Mahjong each week with a new group of gals, who happen to come in each week with new swag. First they all arrived with matching card bags, definitely on my Christmas wish list! This week they arrived with Mahjong pins, custom made, each pin having a unique tile or hair cool. My friends and I really need to up our swag game. I'm desperately trying to hold off buying anything until after Christmas, just in case. Tim still hasn't learned to play, but hopefully will soon. Unfortunately, the game gets a bad wrap for being only a ladies game here in the US. It's really not, it was originally a male dominated game but in the US, women took it over. We really need to start showcasing guys playing! Maybe Tim can be the pioneer that breaks the mold and shows other guys how much fun it is. I may have to learn how to play for money, I bet he'd be more inclined to play if the stakes were higher than just the glory of a win. With the need for at least three players, it's a tough game to play at home, my poor tiles just sit, waiting. People keep telling me how much fun it is to play online, but that's just not my thing. I like the chatter with friends as much as I do the game play. The other stumbling block is the fact that I want to crawl into bed by 6pm, the cold, dark nights make it feel like midnight and put me right to sleep. I may have to bring out my happy light that stimulates sunshine and have it shine on me during the late afternoon hours. If I can stay awake, I'll be gathering a group to play a game or two, minus the great tile swag. The winter hours sure do present new challenges, but I'm eager to conquer the cold and darkness, teach a few friends my game and stay awake long enough to play a game or two. A gal can dream....
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