Day 835 Game Night


Although it was a long and busy day, a cribbage date with my son gave me something to look forward to. He's a great cribbage player, knows all the rules including fringe rules and is patient as I struggle to count when we're pegging. My dad taught him how to play when he was little, he would visit regularly for games and was so proud to see his grandson learn the game so quickly and become so skilled at it.  I've tried to teach Tim how to play, but he seems to be a one trick pony with his high low jack....although, I won't stop trying. I honestly don't know why more people don't play cribbage, other than taking the time to learn? Our first game of the night went to my son, who pegged out at top speed with great hands. The second game was all mine, he was only a few pegs away from being skunked. I hadn't played in ages, was afraid I'd be rusty, but as he and I began to play, the rules started coming back to me and thankfully, he was patient as I cleared the cobwebs out. I'm hoping he and I can schedule regular date nights to play, so I don't get rusty again, maybe even getting Tim on board for a game or two! In other news, my thrifting of the day was hugely successful with me finding a fabulous silver sequin dress, perfect for the holiday season, maybe even what I'll wear for my cocktail party.  I also found a beautiful hot pink Lilly dress, ideal for tropical days on my cruise. I found a few Christmas trinkets to add to my holiday decor, eager to start decking the halls. Tim and I may be getting our Christmas tree a bit early this year, he's lucky it's not already up! After my son and I played our Cribbage game, I sent him home with my best cribbage board, so I'll be on the hunt for another one. The board in the photo is one of my spares, who knew I had at least three boards? I love having a quest for thrifting, searching for a unique cribbage board will be fun, treasure hunting at it's best. Although, I better shift gears and start thinking about Christmas presents for my crew.... one of these days I'm going to thrift them each something and dazzle them with my finds. What's so great about brand new anyway? Treasures await.... and as a treasure hunter, I can't wait to discover them. 


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