Day 838 Shifting
Thanksgiving decor in all its glory, for another day or two. With company coming over this weekend, I'm forcing myself to keep all the fall decor out and wait a few more days to start decking my halls. Christmas carols playing, I can feel everything around me start shifting into the holiday spirit. Putting the little lights in the windows, hanging Christmas cards in the doorway, replacing all the pumpkins and orange decor with red, green, silver and gold.....color me ready! I may need the little lights in the windows to help keep me awake as well as bring cheer. The darkness at 4:30pm makes it difficult to have any evening life. Once the darkness hits, the cold seems colder, my brain shuts off and exhaustion sets in. My daytime brain comes up with all kinds of plans for me, but once I'm home, my nighttime brain won't hear it and I'm in my PJ's top speed. Tim jokes on me about being in my PJ's early, laying in bed to watch TV but I really don't see how it's worse than him being snuggled up under a blanket in the recliner watching TV? Seems we're both good for nothing during the cold, dark months. The crazy thing is, I love a dark morning, wake up before sunrise and enjoy having the world to myself without interruption, even by the sunshine. I turn on a few lights, scurry around the house, tackling chores left and right that seemed daunting the night before. I'm not sure when I became such an early morning gal, certainly not while I was raising my kids, but here I am. Maybe it's old age, don't older people wake up earlier? whatever it is, I'm thankful for my peaceful mornings and all that I can accomplish before sunrise. I smartly requested my company arrive by 4:30 so I'll still be awake when they get here. After my guests leave, my house will transform into everything Christmas....but not until the next morning of course.
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