Day 842 Obstructions
The Emergency room is never where you want to spend an evening, but when needed, we are lucky to have quality care so close to home. South County Hospital is only a few minutes drive from our house and has an amazing staff. Tim was having troubles after eating something he shouldn't have (that's a longer story) we opted for our local hospital, instead of our usual trip to the city hospital where they are more familiar with his unique innards. I was impressed with the nurses and doctor, who listened to us and treated him with the utmost concern and care. Having arrived just after the sun went down, exhaustion set in for me quickly and as I sat, watching Tim try to rest in the hospital bed I had to tap out and head home to sleep. I promised to keep my phone ringer on, in the event they discharged him, but knew it wouldn't be util the morning. I came home and climbed into bed and was asleep within minutes. My phone went off about an hour later with Tim giving me an update, waking me up from a sound sleep. I replied but let him know I had been sleeping. An hour later, there was another text bing on my phone...another update and an hour after that another one. I finally texted back...."for the love of God please don't text me unless it's to pick you up". Maybe not the sweetest bedside message but at that point I was starting to feel like a lab rat being woken up each hour. I may have had more sympathy if he wasn't so darn stubborn, refusing to follow my advise and avoid certain foods. He goes rouge at times, eating things he shouldn't and then pays for it dearly. As I drove him to the ER I told him I knew it was too early to yell at him for eating the wrong things and we both laughed when he said, it's never too early for me to yell. I try my best to keep him from experiencing the pain of obstructions and all he needs to do is follow my food rules. He's got a doctor and a dietician telling him he can eat everything, I strongly disagree and since I'm the one that sees it all first hand, I trust my opinion more than theres. I use to tell my kids that they could get the flu shot or not, up to them but if they opted to NOT get it and were to get the flu, my sympathy level would be minimal. I feel the same way these days with Tim, he can eat whatever he wants, but my sympathy level is minimal when he eats things he shouldn't. I'm glad he was in good hands overnight, pain meds I'm sure helped more than I could have at home and I finally got a bit of uninterrupted sleep. I'm looking forward to all the updates in the morning and maybe even a more compliant husband.... a gal can dream.
Hope he feels better soon and happy thanksgiving to you both - hopefully he can eat turkey ๐ฅฐ