Day 843 Holiday Magic


And so it's begun... lights, ribbons, bows, garland all filled with holiday magic. Tim made if home from the hospital, feeling better but still taking life slowly. I knew the holiday decorations would cheer him up, how could they not?? I'm working through the house, one room at a time, getting things just right for a perfect Christmas experience. Of course, to bring six bins of holiday decor inside, finding space is a struggle but one thats worth it. I cleaned as I went along, clearing out, wiping down and polishing to give my holiday decor space for the season. My stairs sparkle with white lights and garland, so cheerful and pretty as you walk in. You may notice our new stockings, whimsical and fun, just as they should be. Tim and I are having a cocktail party in December with several of our friends, I have a feeling I'll be decorating right up until then. After all, having the right backdrop sets the vibe. I want anyone and everyone that walks into our house during the next month to instantly feel the warmth, love and magic of the season and leave with a bit more cheer than they arrived with. First things first, decorating each room then I'll figure the menu...I've already got a few surprises set for the night... predictability is never part of my plans. Tim laughs at the lengths I take to make things just right, but I know he appreciates my long as he's not required to help. Having been in the hospital for a solid 24 hrs, he was easily off the hook from any household chores or holiday decorating. We're both happy we opted to stay home for Thanksgiving, his first few meals should probably be a bit smaller than a big Thanksgiving dinner and desserts. I'll be continuing on with my decorating as he rests up and hope to have the house in order by the end of the by room until everything is perfect...or imperfectly perfect as it should be. A quick update on my fancy wine glasses.... I have a very strong feeling that Santa is currently having his elves make me three more so I can complete my set of eight. We'll have to wait until Christmas morning to be sure, but I can feel the magic in the air. Santa has a way of making dreams come true... looks like I'll be able to keep all my friends with my future set of eight...phew. If you're not one that loves holiday magic, you may want to stop reading my blog for the next month... I can't stop, won't stop, I'm a Christmas loving gal and proud of it. Tim is already complaining about the Christmas carols playing throughout the house all day, as if I'll play anything else. I hooked up my Alexa devices so I can pipe in the tunes throughout each room on our main floor, even in the bathroom... and I love it! Maybe Tim should ask Santa for a pair of headphones? This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for Timothy, our children, grandchildren, friends, family, good health, happiness, love, patience, kindness and the beautiful universe that is our world for a short time as we navigate this life. Oh, and a little magic here and there as well.... it's everywhere if we're open to seeing it. 


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