Day 847 Retro Recipes

 I began searching for fun retro cocktail party foods and couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw these dirty ashtray pretzel sticks. I doubt this is a familiar sight to most younger folks, but some of us remember this imagine well, especially after a party. I'm not sure who thought up this crazy recipe, pretzels dipped in white chocolate, red icing on the tip with black and clear sugar for the burnt ash look....brilliant. I might have to give this recipe a try, if for nothing else a good giggle. This is also one of the reasons I get sidetracked so easily, once something catches my eye or entertains me, I'm easily diverted. Donna quickly realized this about me while holiday shopping. I can't help that when I see sparkly or interesting things I take off in every direction. I was able to get a few gifts and forced myself not to buy items for myself, not the easiest accomplishment. I had found the perfect little beaded friendship bracelet and thought it  was perfect for a little girl, until I saw the $30 price tag, seriously, the string will get snapped within a few weeks and the beads will scatter, no matter what I spend. Instead, I came home, searched for the same bracelet on Amazon and found a super cute package of 12 bracelets for $9.99, a bit more reasonable for an eight year wonder Amazon is taking over. So far I've bought for all of my younger grandchildren, the teenage boys will be tough and grown ups are never fun. I like to give adults games, after all, Christmas is likely to bring the child out in us all. After years and years of buying games, it doesn't get easier, but I've found a few. With the Christmas countdown creeping along, I better get busy and finish my list. Meanwhile, I'll keep searching for retro party foods, not sure why I always add the word retro into my search, but I seem to always be amused by the results. I read something the other day that said, if you walk into a party and see carrot sticks, leave. It was just a joke, but made me laugh and as with all jokes, there must be a sliver of truth to it. Imagine everyone's delight if they were to walk into my party and see a dirty ashtray of pretzel sticks instead of carrot, that would be a fun party! 


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