Day 848 Bread Bags
It may be cold, but wow, is it a beautiful time of year! Pine needles carpet the bike path and since all the leaves have fallen the sunshine can peek through the tree branches more than ever. The forecast is calling for our first storm later this week, not sure if we'll be lucky enough on the coast to get snow or just have cold rain but the thought of snow is nice. Yes, I love a snowstorm, the world seems so peaceful and quiet during a storm and everything looks beautiful when covered by pretty white flakes. I saw a post on social media the other day with a picture of someone wearing bread bags, oh what memories. I'm not sure when fancy, warm, winter books became a staple for kids but back in the day all we needed was a good pair of bread bags and an elastic band and we were good to go. We would often put on our socks, then the bags then our shoes, creating a barrier for the wet snow and prolonging the life of the bags, although some kids wore the bags on the outside of their shoes. With four kids in the house, we had to save a lot of bags throughout the fall in order to keep us all warm during winter storms. We had a little bin in the back hall for our bags and would all sit, sifting through for a "good pair" as we prepared for a long day of snow play. I can only imagine what my grandkids would think if I were to offer up such a solution to the cold? These young, fancy kids have always had all the "proper" gear and will never appreciate the value of a good plastic bag. I'm sure that is one of the reasons my generation saves so much, we never know when things will be needed and we're use to Macgyvering random items to meet our needs. Those clear plastic bags you find in the produce department have become Tims go to bags for his lunches. I have bought him a lunch bag, 'cause I know he's a fancy man but he keeps forgetting it at work so 9 times out of ten he reaches for the clear veggie bag to pack up and take to's a good thing I save them all!! The new generation preaches reduce, reuse, recycle but I'd say my generation brings reusing to the next level. I might have to save a few bread bags for the next storm, just in case. Here's hoping for a few good bags, some fresh white powder and the free time to play outside.
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