Day 863 Doorbells & Christmas miracles


My doorbell rang minutes after I walked in from a long day, an obnoxious sounding bell but once I opened the door and saw my friend Heather I quickly forgot about the annoying bell.  She stood holding a box filled with beautiful Christmas wine glasses, a gift for me...Oh, how I love my Heather and random gifts! The glasses will be perfect for all my holiday festivities and were quickly put into rotation. Once I had thanked her and carefully unpacked every glass, admiring each one as it was revealed, there was work for her to do. I had bought a new watch band a month back and she's the only person I know that has the skills to remove links to make the band smaller. I have all the tools, just non of the skills so I rely on Heather for all my watchband needs. She set to work, measuring my wrist to determine how many links would need to go and before long my band was wrapped around my wrist and secured with a perfect fit. I'm sure she didn't plan on staying as long as she ended up in my kitchen, but one story leads to another and another, isn't that the way with friends? Tim realized quickly he was on his own for dinner and joined us briefly to make a PB&J to take back to the basement, a smart man knows when not to ask about dinner. How is it that some combinations of people can sit and chat, going on and on entertaining one another with silly stories for hours and how on earth, after all these years, do Heather and I still have new stories to tell??? We both agreed we need a get together with the Fab 4, to celebrate our friend CJ's Birthday that came and went without proper fanfare...fanfare is always required! I'm not sure why Heather went out of her way to bring me such a thoughtful gift, but I sure am glad for friends like her. Now I just need to get Tim to change the sound of our doorbell, I've asked and asked....ugh! He's got it set on the longest ring possible so that each time someone presses the bell, the sound plays on and on well after the door has been opened and the guest has walked inside. I read something once that said, "Ladies, if your man says he'll do something, he'll do it. There's no need to remind him every six months about it"! Maybe I'll get a new bell sound as a Christmas miracle, less than a week away now and anything is possible. 


  1. You misunderstood me. I’m never changing the doorbell. It’s my Ode to Joy.


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