Day 874 Monopoly
Monopoly, a game we've all played and one that house rules tends to dominate. I grew up with house rules of $200 for passing go, $400 if you land on go. We put $500 into the free parking to kick off the game and any/all money from community chest or chance goes into that pot as well, landing on free parking can be quite the windfall of cash! We also play cut throat, if someone isn't paying attention and misses you landing on their property until after the dice has been rolled again, it's their loss. This makes for a quick roller if someone rolls doubles and lands on a sold property. Shady side deals are made on handshakes and promises and the lead is quickly taken by the few. Fortunately, I was among the few shady characters that rose to the top. It all starts with a bit of luck, landing on enough properties to get a strong hold on others. My son and I were the only ones that could make a trade to give each of us a monopoly and the trade was made without hesitation. We also granted one another five free passes on said properties, a good will and slightly shady gesture and one that became crushing to the rest of the players. Each of us threw up hotels and sat back and waited as each player dreaded the death row section that lead to go. I owned all three greens and my son had park place and board walk and every one of them had hotels, tough row for anyone else. Tim thought he was sitting pretty with loads of cash, until he landed on Pennsylvania Ave and had to turn it all over to me. Once his finances were drained it was a waiting game to see who would absorb all his properties. As he rolled into the green zone and once again wanted an overnight stay in one of my fine hotels, I happily took all of his property and remaining cash as payment. I had already absorbed Chad's girlfriends property, she had the misfortune of landing on one of my spots then rolling a snake eyes for another hit. Once I took over Tims, my son quickly accessed my large wad of cash and the riches of property I had acquired,. He and I once again shook hands, as he conceded to my win and congratulated me on a game well played. I'm not sure we'll ever convince his girlfriend or Tim to play again after such a fun time! Monopoly is always family game night at its best.
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