Day 880 Take Down
One last photo before all the Christmas cheer is packed up and put away. Tim protested that it's all suppose to stay up until Little Christmas on January 6th but quickly lost that battle since the 6th falls on a Monday and I only have the weekend to get it all done. When asked if he'd be interested in helping with the clean up, I was reminded that he recommended we skip all holiday decorating due to the work involved...long road to "not if I can help it". My plan is to get up early, make quick work of packing up Christmas and have all day Sunday to decorate for St. Valentine's Day. The pretty white lights will be missed, may have to at least keep the lights in the windows up for another month or two. The countdown to Christmas has become a countdown to our cruise, a daily reminder that it's right around the corner, so that will remain as well. With not much time to spare, I found someone to stay at the house and watch Pep and the girls. I know it might seem a bit much to have someone stay at the house for a cat, but our Pep needs daily lovin', not just food and water. I'll be having her visit this month, so Pep can meet her and check her out before we go. I'll feel much better with someone at the house, bringing in mail, turning lights on and off and holding down the fort while we are away... peace of mind is priceless. With the trip a few short weeks away, I'll be packing up my bathing suites in no time and soaking up the Caribbean sunshine. It seems ages ago we were planning the trip and here we are, less than a month away!! My phone will need to be replaced before we travel, somehow there seems to be small chips or something...right on my camera lens, ugh. Every photo I take now has two unavoidable, dark spots. First world problems for sure, but I'd hate to have a beautiful Caribbean sunset photo ruined by dark orbs. It's time for a new phone anyway....A mantra I'll repeat until convinced. At least I won't need a camera to document the big Christmas take down, a somber job that is best left for the memory bank. Who knows, I may even see one more Christmas miracle and have Tim jump in to lend a hand, (I can't even write that without giving myself a chuckle, he's a rascal that Tim).
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