Day 886 Back in Time


Stepping back in time with a visit to the Warwick Mall. The two malls in Warwick, that all Rhode Islanders knew so well growing up are still open but don't come close to what they once were. They use to be the go to places for shopping, meeting friends, checking out new fashion and visits weren't complete without stopping at the food court. If you were too cool for the food court, Jordan Marsh had a fantastic restaurant on the third floor that seemed to be a well kept secret and became my personal go to for a shopping lunch. Of course, with the success of these malls, in 1999 a bigger, better one was opened in Providence. This new mall was larger than the two combined with over 170 stores, a movie theatre and multiple restaurants attached. I don't believe the visionaries that designed these mecca shopping malls ever imagined the future would be online. Gone are the days of wandering blinding from shop to shop or stores going all out with window displays in attempts to chum shoppers in. As I walked into the mall for the first time in countless years, I was struck with the emptiness, the hallways were void of shoppers, windows without fancy displays. The mall is now a visual reminder of how quickly things change and how reluctant we are as humans to change with them. How on earth do any of these businesses stay open?? The only reason I was there was that I had ordered something online and rather than paying shipping, had it sent to the store for pick up. As I walked through the mall, reminiscing about all the fun I once had there, I felt a tinge of sadness for the shop owners as well as the younger generation, they don't know what they're missing! Friends don't get together to have lunch and shop online, we shop alone now, glued to our phones for a glimpse of the latest trends. I'm not sure how much longer our RI malls will be able to keep the lights on, without shifting to a new formula for these large buildings. I suppose they could become sports facilities, condos, offices, walking tracks or something futuristic that hasn't been thought of yet, but the bustling shopping of the 80's is a thing of the past. I haven't been to the Rhode Island Mall in years, not sure how that one is doing but my curiosity is peaked. I may need to grab a friend or two and head out for a full day of old school shopping followed by lunch at the food court, before all the malls are gone forever. It certainly looks like the end is in sight, or is it just the malls in RI? One thing I always loved hadn't changed, once inside, time of day, the weather and any/and all outside elements or troubles were immediately forgotten and all that was left was the wide hallways lined with shops. On a cold day, the mall isn't a bad place to be...the 80's weren't too bad either!! 


  1. Jordan Marsh! Blast from the past! Db


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