Day 887 Sweet Pep


Everyone in the state is sick with something and now Pep is down. I wish she could tell me what's going on, she's not herself, has lost her appetite and I'm worried she might have had a small stroke. Her head has been tilted to the side and  is slanted down. She doesn't appear to be in any pain, still jumps up on my lap to rest and be pet but something is off. She continues to sit at the backdoor, as if I'd let her outside...not a chance. Thank goodness we've got the weekend ahead, so I can stay home and keep my eye on her. When to go to the Vet is always a question, certainly if she were in pain I would take her, but hate to rush in otherwise. If it were a stroke, there's nothing they could do anyway, other than tell me the obvious. I'm hoping whatever is troubling her works itself out over the next few days. She'll hate staying inside, but she's too vulnerable to predators and might not see vehicles when crossing the road to roam free outdoors.  I have always figured if she lived long enough she might have to become an indoor cat someday, fingers crossed we are not there yet! A year ago I introduced a litter box into the house, in an effort to be proactive, after all she's at least 12 years old already. For months the litter box was there, untouched with Pep showing zero interest. After about 10 months she finally began using it occasionally and now will use it, but only when she's desperate. With her sudden ban on the outdoors, I'm glad she is already somewhat accustomed to the indoor box. For now, she's been resting in front of the fire, right where she should be. I'll be home all weekend, taking care of our sweet Pep...right where I should be. 


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