Day 893 Line in the Sand
Only a few short weeks left before setting sail in the beautiful Caribbean Seas. A few months back, when my friends and I were planning our get a way, February seemed so far away! As we count down the days and pack our summer clothing, the excitement is building. Planning the trip wasn't easy, everyone had an opinion about where, when and what we should do for our adventure. The only one that sat back and let everyone else decide was Timothy, he told everyone he'd show up wherever I told him to be. He would have been happy traveling to Mexico, staying at an all inclusive, visiting a a tropical island, cruising or whatever we came up with. Although I don't think a cruise would have been his first choice, he happily agreed and seems pleased with our selection. The group planned specialty dining nights at various restaurants, a Japanese Hibachi, French Bistro and Steak House, again he said nothing, smiled and agreed to it all. So when we all reserved seats to the 10:00pm show to see Choir of Man, I didn't think much about it. I casually mentioned to Tim that we had the reservations and watched as he flew off the handle, refusing the 10pm show! He argued that we'd be missing bands, dancing or other nighttime fun with this time slot and adamantly refused to go. I explained that it is a complimentary show, we can go, or skip it and that I really didn't care either way but he kept going, wound up tighter than a yo yo and unraveling fast. Although I wasn't arguing against him, he went on to say he'd refuse all future cruises if I made him sit through a 10pm show. Thinking the rant was over I watched as he went downstairs to the family room, glad he had gotten that off his chest, only to see him come back upstairs 10 minutes later to continue. He had gone downstairs to watch Youtube videos of the show and was even more convinced he didn't want to see it based on the show's clips. Apparently, it's an interactive show and he doesn't want to be called up, singled out or participate in any way. They also sing the Pina Colada song and he doesn't want to hear it. I was so entertained by his ranting, although my laughter didn't help the situation, he was serious!! Choir of Man, Tim's line in the sand. We all have had our input for vacation, hard lines in what we do and don't want, I was a bit surprised by Timothy's. With so much to do on cruise ships, I'm not worried about missing or seeing one particular show, although now am kind of curious to see if Tim would like it...or even go to it?? One thing for sure, it won't be a 10pm showing, no need to miss nighttime fun for a silly show!! After all, my easy going man has his limits!!
I love this story.