Day 894 Breakfast


Although egg production has slowed down during the winter, I'm still collecting enough to eat as well as extras to give. My son comes by weekly for a dozen or two, my daughter will take a dozen anytime and several friends are lined up, willing to take eggs anytime. Its been years since I've had to buy eggs but noticed the price in Aldi the other day and was shocked. Aldi is known for having the cheapest prices around and their eggs were priced just under $5 a dozen with a purchase limit of 2 dozen. My last few batches of chicks I  focused on buying only breeds that would grow into great egg producers. My 3 White Leghorns haven't missed a day of laying, giving me 3 beautiful white eggs each day. The Golden Comets and Speckled Sussex also are both high yielding brown egg layers. The Olive Eggers haven't been laying every day, but a few days a week I'll find the pretty olive colored eggs so I know they're still slowly producing during these dark winter months. I'm pulling in around 7 eggs a day, more or less and can't wait to see the bounty of eggs I'll be collecting once spring hits. With temps next week expected to be in the single digits, collecting the eggs before they freeze and crack will not be an easy task. My weekend plans will be cleaning the coop, giving my girls extra bedding and lining the coop with layers of cardboard for warmth. I don't worry as much about my girls in the winter as you'd think, after all, they are birds. My girls are spoiled, with a heated water dish, fresh food daily and during the coldest days, a delicious warm meal of feed soaked in hot water. I can be found out back each morning before the sun comes up, tending to my flock, ensuring they have all the treats a feathered friend could want and each night make sure they are all safe and secure from predators. As spring gets closer, egg production will grow but for now, my girls are still pulling their weight during the darkest of winter days. Hard boiled eggs, quiche or scrambled, looks like breakfast will be served. 


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