Day 896 Goals


The only thing that makes a Sunday sweeter is when it's sandwiched in the middle of a three day weekend. No pressure to get things done, get ready for the week ahead or cram everything in. Missy and I went for our early morning walk, getting it in before the expected rain/snow storm arrived. We arrived home to my warm kitchen for a hot breakfast a cup of espresso. She and I looked through a few of my dress options for my upcoming trip, packing is never fun so a second opinion was great. My mom stopped by to bring a few dresses she hemmed for me, along with two identical jumpsuits that I asked her hem at two different lengths. It only made sense to have one to wear with high wedges and another to wear with flip flops, so yes, I have two of the same jumpsuit. I'll only pack one of them for the cruise, thinking the flip flop version but we'll see. After all my company left, Tim and I were off to the beach club to meet the 8 for a quick visit. The beach was spectacular, the sunshine peeking through the clouds incredibly bright and the sky so clear that Block Island looked close enough to swim out to. We looked over travel documents, chatted about the fun that was heading our way and all agreed that we were ready for tropical warmth. Both Carole and Donna opened Birthday gifts from the crew and were delighted with their presents. We skipped the Birthday cake since we all are trying our best to trim down a bit before vacation. Only Carol and Gerard aren't coming with us on vacation, so the 8 will only be 6. We all wish they would change their minds and join us but it doesn't look like that will happen. I told Gerard that since he's the biggest curmudgeon that he'd have to plan next year's vacation, or at least come up with three options that the rest of us can vote on. Although, I have a few trips in mind for Tim and I before another group adventure. Visiting my sons new place in Virginia, Palm beach to see Dawn and a trip to Germany to see Camilla. Not sure if I can pack all three trips in this year, but it's a decent goal. Camilla has moved to Berlin and is thriving in the big city. Tim and I had a long video chat with her and love that she still considers us her American parents. I figure October might be the best month for a visit to Germany, after all, Camilla said October is Germany's golden month...I like the sound of that! Back here in New England, the snow began during the evening hours, covering everything with a beautiful sheet of white powder. Peps, Tim and I were all warm and toasty inside, content to be home and happy to have one more free day ahead. 


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