Day 901 Waterfall Adventures


Dreaming about waterfalls, hikes and adventure. A few years back, Tim and I took a trip to New Hampshire and set out on a few hikes to find waterfalls. If there's a waterfall to be seen, I want to see it, especially if it's off the beaten path. My friends have been looking at excursions during our vacation and one suggested, sun, sand and shopping, great title but when I read the description it was filled with watching how jewelry & cigars are made a visit to a museum...I stopped reading after that, ugh, but it inspired me to read a few options for the day and see if there was anything that sparked my interest. I landed on, Damajagua waterfall full experience...and read on, experience the Damajagua waterfalls in every way possible...don't mind if I do! A hike through jungle-like landscape of the Dominican leading to the waterfalls...a dozen of them! You can jump into some falls, slide down rock chutes of others, swim in the pools at the base of the falls. The hike follows the river down the mountainous jungle, for sights only possible by foot. Not sure Tim will agree with my adventurous plans but presented with shopping or waterfall adventures, I think it's an easy win. Our group may have to go our separate ways here and there, will give us more to chat about at dinner. Tim and I will look through all the excursion options over the next few days, mark our favorites and see where the road takes us. Although, if I were to guess, I'd say we'll see a waterfall or two...or maybe a dozen.


  1. Totally do the waterfall adventure!! Sounds epic!!


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