Day 902 Lawless
Cats on counters are never allowed, but Peps has a way of breaking rules and getting away with it. Instead of yelling at her or taking her off the kitchen counter, I took this photo to send to my kids. My son responded, "it's just lawless over there" and he's not wrong. Tim and I love that little cat so much we spoil her rotten every chance we get and in our eyes, she can do no wrong. After checking out all the out of bounds areas in the kitchen, she rested on the stairs for a bit while I met with Joy, the women who will be staying at the house while Tim and I are away. Peps seemed uninterested in meeting her, she tends to check people out on her terms if at all and wasn't having it. Joy got the two cent tour of the house, learned were everything was and how to work televisions, heat and of course all about chicken care. I already feel better, knowing someone will be here for the animals, although Peps doesn't seem to care, I know she will be much happier with someone in the house. I'm guessing that eventually, Peps may even sit with Joy... although, it might be 4am, since that's when I'm usually up with her. As Joy and I sat, chatting and going over details, Peps continued to ignore us, sleeping, eating and going about her business uninterested in meeting our guest. Cats are funny creatures, so loving and loyal, as long as it's on their terms. I should have packed once Joy left, suitcases are out, clothes piled on the guest bed but I opted to lounge about and watch tv with Tim as if we didn't have a trip right around the corner! I have the day off before we travel, knew I'd need it to get the house, animals and myself ready so I'm not too worried. I hope that having Joy at the house will ease the stress of us being gone for Peps, she's never happy when we go away. It must be so hard for animals, not knowing where their humans have gone, when or if they will be back, no wonder they get stressed. Friends of mine have animal cams, so they can chat with their pets when away, that might be a bit too much but I'll never say never. I would have never in a million years think I'd be ok with a cat on the kitchen counter but here I am... living in the land of the lawless.
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