Day 903 Countdown to Sunshine


Imagine that there are people who never step one foot on the sand throughout their entire lives? I'm so thankful to have been raised as a beach girl, barefoot and sandy. I believe this photo was taken while we were on a family vacation, seeking out beaches during the winter months. My sister and I in our matching bikinis and all four of us working hard on a fabulous sand alligator.... sand castles apparently were for beginners. I still seek out beach vacations, peaceful when I'm sitting in the sand. I spent the day packing for our trip, or as I say, over packing. I am the worst packer ever, how on earth am I suppose to know what I'll want to wear a week from now?? I threw in dresses for each night, several for daytime, shorts, t-shirts, bathing suits and just about anything that caught my eye as I dug through summer clothes. It's hard to imagine being hot when its so cold here in RI but sunshine and warmth will be coming my way. My friends want to book our excursions asap, while Tim and I prefer to take vacation life day by day. At least we've narrowed down what we may and may not want to do at each port, that's something. As long as I can kick off my shoes, feel hot beach sand and swim in the crystal clear Caribbean ocean, I'll be a happy gal. The prep for vacation is a lot of work, getting the house ready, pet and house sitters lined up, shopping for travel needs and making sure to pack the right clothes, charging cords and essentials. Although, I suppose it's only difficult for me, Tim just throws some clothes in a suitcase and wonders why I think it's so much work! Soon enough all the prep work will be behind me and the only worry I'll have is what bathing suit to wear and what adventures to seek. Not sure I can talk my friends into a building a sand sculpture with me, but wouldn't that be fun?? Countdown to sunshine is on, checklist ongoing, prep almost complete, sun, warmth and sand waiting for me.


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