Day 915 At Sea


A day at sea, soaking up as much warmth and sunshine as possible. Unaware that the time had changed, making it an hour earlier than I thought, I was at the pool area by 6am, thinking it was a reasonable 7am. I was amazed to see dozens of people, reserving chairs, walking the track and enjoying the morning sunrise. I took great care to find, what I thought to be the six best seats on the upper deck. I placed my shoes and towels in the seats around me, excited to have all six of us together, once they all finally woke up. My early morning efforts were rewarded by sights of a spectacular sunrise as well as a quick glimpse of a rainbow over the ocean. I was enjoying the ocean air so much that I didn’t even mind that my friends and Tim didn’t show up until almost noon! We watched the poolside entertainment, silly contests, live band performances and endless people watching. I baked my body in the sunshine until it was time to get ready for dinner, thankful for sunscreen or I would have been crispy. After another delicious meal we all were eager to see the final Beatles show of the cruise. We loved each of their shows more than the next, becoming groupies to the look and sound a likes. We called it a night after the show, all anticipating another great island beach day. With reports of snowstorms back in RI, the sun seems to be appreciated even more. The hustle and bustle of the ship never stops, but once on a lounge chair, feeling the hot sun on your face, the world seems to stop. We’ve been blessed with spectacular weather, calm seas and endless sunshine, why on earth did I think one week would be enough? 


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