Day 925 Lucky X 3


The thrifting gods were certainly on my side as I strolled through the aisles of Savers. I methodically walked up and down each aisle, sticking to my specific route and never deviating from it. After all, you never know what you’ll find at a thrift store—some days it feels like nothing, while other days, it’s pure gold.

After about 20 minutes of shopping, I was convinced I’d be leaving empty-handed. Nothing seemed to catch my eye. That is, until a rack of clothes was wheeled by, ready to be placed on the sales floor. As soon as I laid eyes on the navy and white fabric, I immediately recognized it as one of my favorite designers. It wasn’t even her trademark print, but it was unmistakable all the same, Lilly Pulitzer! 

Without hesitation, I reached out and grabbed the dress, only to discover two more hidden right behind it. My heart raced as I snatched up all three beautiful dresses. The adrenaline rush was real! I had limited time to shop, and while I considered staying longer to see if more dresses would appear, I decided to leave with these three treasures in hand.

The total? Only $30 after my 30% senior discount. I couldn’t have been happier! These dresses have found a new home in my Lilly closet, where they’ll be happily reunited with their kin. I’m looking forward to showing them off once summer rolls around. 

Thrifting has certainly become a trendy pastime these days, but let’s be real—novice thrifters still have a lot to learn as they google item after item to check its value.  If you can’t spot a hidden gem from across the room, you might have a tough time competing with seasoned thrifters like myself.

As for me, I’m convinced that when I retire, I'll become a full-time thrifter and live my secondhand dream. But for now, I’ll be content with my limited shopping time and thrilled when I happen to be in the right place at the right time. Finding even one Lilly dress would have been exciting—but finding three? Color me lucky, x3!


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