Day 928 Resisting Temptation

Resisting temptation is often easier said than done, and when it comes to baby chicks, I know this all too well! It's that time of year again—when my local feed store is fully stocked with tiny, fluffy chicks, just waiting for someone to take them home. And while I don’t need more chicks, haven’t for a while now, every time I see these adorable little creatures, I’m tempted to bring them all home. 

I find myself studying each new breed they showcase, telling myself that maybe they won’t fit in with my current flock, but oh, how I love seeing all the new babies! Last year, at the end of the season, after resisting the urge all spring and summer, and repeating to myself a million times, “I don’t need more chicks,” I couldn’t hold out any longer. I ended up bringing home seven more. And you know what? I’m so glad I did. These new chicks have grown into some of our most dependable egg producers, and I truly love having them in the mix. 

Maybe it’s time Tim takes over the task of buying chicken feed during chick season, or perhaps we’ll both need to accept the risk that I’ll be tempted when faced with all these furry little treasures. After all, replenishing our flock with younger birds is important for maintaining good egg production and a healthy, happy flock. That said, maybe this year I should resist the urge and wait until next season to add any new additions...maybe?

With egg prices so high right now, I wonder if there will be an increase in demand for baby chicks. Will people like me look to expand their flocks to keep up with egg production? My girls are all happy and healthy, well cared for, and living their best lives, a perfect environment for chicks. 

As chick season begins, I can’t make any promises. There are a few breeds I’ve always wanted to add and some that are obvious frontrunners for egg production. Walking away from them won’t be easy, but I’ll try my best to resist the temptation...but if I see Easter Eggers, that lay beautiful blue eggs, I'm not sure my willpower will hold. 


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