Day 929 Early Birds


One of the first things I do every morning—before the chaos of the day begins—is check my photo memories. It’s like a little time capsule of moments, and I love seeing what my past self thought was worthy of capturing. More often than not, it’s pictures of my kids and grandkids. I swear, it’s like they’ve sprouted up overnight! Looking at those photos makes me wish I could freeze time, just so I can savor their little selves for a bit longer.

Then there’s the chronicle of me and Tim—our adventures, our laughs, and all the goofy moments. Like this one from a friend's birthday party. What a night! Tim, being who he is, was all in on the silliness. He’ll happily wear ridiculous glasses, costumes—anything that’ll get him a laugh or, more importantly, attention. He’s usually the quieter one of the two of us, so people don’t always expect him to want the spotlight. But trust me, he wants it. He just doesn’t want to fight for it. Maybe that’s why he’s all about dressing up—he can hide behind the costume and take all the credit for the attention, while I know it’s his true nature coming through. It’s a classic Tim move.

On the other hand, I have a little sign in my kitchen that says, “I was not made to be subtle.” Yep, that’s me. Loud and proud, no apologies. Tim and I, though, we balance each other out. We both appreciate each other’s quirks—our best and our worst. I always say, if you don’t accept the worst parts of the person you’re with, the road ahead is gonna be bumpy. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and whether you focus on the good or the bad is really up to you.

Speaking of quirks, I’ve been having a little fun with Tim’s latest claim. He’s been telling friends he’s an “early riser.” HA! Tim? The man who sleeps until 9 or 10 like he’s still in high school? That guy? I’m the early bird, and I love the peace and quiet of the morning. But Tim, well, he’s in no rush to get up, and I love that about him, allowing me quiet solitude in the morning. The only thing I can’t figure out is why he insists on telling everyone he’s up with our chickens? It’s a full-on delusion, and it cracks me up while making me crazy at the same time.

Last weekend, I decided to call his bluff. Woke him up at 7:30am for breakfast. This weekend? I let him sleep in. 10:15am rolls around, and there he is, all snuggled up, snoozing away. Naturally, I snapped a photo for evidence. But ask Tim, and he’ll still swear he’s up early every day, wide-eyed and ready to take on the world. Either he’s messing with me, or he’s truly living in some early bird fantasy world. Maybe he's trying to spice up the winter doldrums and shift my focus from the cold mornings to watching the clock?

The beauty of it all, though, is that we’re both so comfortable in our little routines—his version of early mornings and my love for the quiet before the day starts. In some ways, it’s the small differences between us that make our life together work so well.  Those quirks, and the way we can poke fun at each other—it adds to the fabric of our relationship. And as we share these memories, one photo at a time, I’m reminded that it’s these little, everyday things that create the most lasting memories.

Whether we’re dressing up for a laugh, navigating the early mornings, or simply enjoying each other’s company, it’s the quirks we embrace that truly make life feel full. So, as I check my photo memories each morning, I realize how lucky I am to have these moments—frozen in time—and how grateful I am for all the laughter, love, and even the little lies (like Tim’s “early riser” fantasy) that make up our shared story. After all, what’s life without a little bit of humor and heart?


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